Cache slow computations that output pandas DataFrames
Apr 1, 2023
In data science, it’s common to work with large datasets that require time-consuming and computationally expensive processing. During the development phase, you may frequently update a function that transforms and analyzes these datasets. However, regenerating the transformed dataset from scratch can be slow and inefficient. A caching decorator can help alleviate this issue by saving the computed dataset to disk and reloading it when needed, significantly reducing computation time.
The caching decorator load_else_save
offers the following benefits:
- Computes the dataset once and saves it to disk.
- If the (slow) function is rerun, the dataset will be loaded from disk instead of being recomputed, saving time and computational resources.
- Automatically reruns the function and saves the new output if the source code changes, ensuring the output remains consistent with the updated function.
Adding full line comments or changing the formatting does not trigger the function to be rerun thanks to black
. A small file with a hash of the source code is saved in a hidden directory .decoration
. Removing this file, or copying the output without this directory, will trigger the function to be rerun.
By using a caching decorator, you can optimize the handling of large datasets and minimize the time spent waiting for results during the development phase. This approach enables you to focus on refining and improving your data analysis functions while avoiding unnecessary computations.
Here’s an example of a caching decorator that saves the output as parquet files.
import functools
import hashlib
import inspect
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import textwrap
import black
import pandas as pd
def load_else_save(filename):
"""Decorator for slow functions that return a pandas DataFrame. When first
running the function, the decorator will save the DataFrame to
``filename``. When rerunning the function the data is loaded from
``filename`` instead of rerunning the function. If the source code of the
function changes, the function will be rerun and the new output will again
be saved to ``filename``. Adding full line comments to the source code or
changing the formatting of the source code of the function will not trigger
running the function again. Any other change will.
Does not support jupyterlab magic such as ``%%time``. The cell in which the
decorated function is declared can not contain any jupyterlab magic functions.
Calling the decorated function in another cell with jupyterlab magic works
as expected.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> @load_else_save("data.parquet")
>>> def slow_computation():
>>> # some long computation
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"value": [1, 2]})
>>> return df
>>> # Running slow_computation and saving output to data.parquet
>>> df = slow_computation()
>>> # Reading data.parquet
>>> df = slow_computation()
>>> # Adding a full line comments
>>> def slow_computation():
>>> # some long computation
>>> # very informative documentation
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"value": [1, 2]})
>>> return df
>>> # Reading data.parquet
>>> df = slow_computation()
>>> # Changing the source code
>>> def slow_computation():
>>> # some long computation
>>> # very informative documentation
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"value": [1, 100]})
>>> return df
>>> # Source code changed, rerunning slow_computation
>>> df = slow_computation()
filename: str
Full path of the filename to save the DataFrame in as a parquet file.
pandas DataFrame
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# pathlib is great
data_file = pathlib.Path(filename)
# get source code of decorated function
source_code = inspect.getsource(func)
# remove full line comments
source_code = "\n".join(
for line in source_code.splitlines()
if not re.match(r"^\s*#", line)
# remove excess indentation (tabs or spaces) if any
source_code = textwrap.dedent(source_code)
# normalize function formatting
source_code = black.format_str(source_code, mode=black.Mode())
# hashed source code
hashed_code = hashlib.sha256(source_code.encode()).hexdigest()
# save hash in a hidden folder
hash_path = pathlib.Path(".decoration").resolve()
if not hash_path.is_dir():
# hashed source code filename
hash_file = hash_path / f"{'.')[0]}.hash"
# output exists and hash is the same
if (
and hash_file.is_file()
and (hashed_code == hash_file.read_text())
):"Reading {filename}")
data = pd.read_parquet(data_file)
# hash is not the same
if hash_file.is_file() and (hashed_code != hash_file.read_text()):
logging.warning(f"Source code of {func.__name__} has changed.")
f"Running {func.__name__} and saving output to {}"
data = func(*args, **kwargs)
data.to_parquet(data_file, compression="snappy")
return data
return wrapper
return decorator